Spotify’s Web Player no longer works on Safari

Spotify’s Web Player no longer supports Safari, reportedly due to “recent updates” made to the browser, according to Engadget.

Users on Spotify’s community noticed the change earlier this week when they attempted to open the web player in Safari. They received a message that informed them that the browser no longer supports the Web Player, and directed them to another browser or the desktop player.

The company’s system requirements page now states that it only supports Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. A customer service representative confirmed the change to the forum users, saying that “after recent updates, Safari is no longer a supporter browser for Web Player,” and but wouldn’t say “if or when any specific features will be back.”

French site Mac Generation (via Engadget) speculated that the change could be due to a plugin that Spotify uses called Widevine Content Decryption Module, which Safari doesn’t support.

We’ve reached out to Spotify for clarification, and will update this post if we hear back.

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