Apple capitalizes on the Animoji karaoke fad in its latest ad

Apple just released its own Animoji karaoke video today, weeks after Twitter users uploaded their own versions by combining the Animoji feature on the iPhone X with their favorite songs.

Apple did briefly hint at Animoji karaoke in its iPhone X launch video in September, where at 0:30 into the video, a monkey lip syncs the words, “Do you want to meet me on the floor?” However, the trend picked up on Twitter in November when Fast Company tech editor Harry McCracken tweeted a fox Animoji version of “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Others were quick to add their own songs to the mix, with a variety of currently available Animoji figures.

Apple’s YouTube video today is just a little more cringey than the Twitter clips that iPhone X users made. Each Animoji leers at you at the start of the video, grinning ear to ear and swinging their heads back and forth. Models dressed in matching colors alongside their Animojis to Big Boi’s “All Night” also add to overly intentional factor. It’s hilarious and notable to see Apple taking notes from Twitter trends and uses of its products, even if the ad appears almost too self aware.

Has Apple ruined Animoji Karaoke? Decide for yourself below.

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